Monday, December 13, 2010

Sleep in Heavenly Peace

Katie slept in until almost 9 this morning! This is beyond amazing for my light sleeper that wakes frequently before 6am. While waiting for big sis to wake up, Max and I snuggled on the couch while watching 'georgie". Every time he calls Curious George, georgie, I smile. He says it so sweetly.

LOVE HIM, Love his big sister

Sunday, December 12, 2010

back from the dead...

Ok so I am back to this whole blog thing...I put it on hold because our life had fallen off a cliff somehow, but we are back and doing well and if I do not document it we will lose it...

Here are my top 5 moments of this weekend:

Random order of course...

1. Seeing Katie in her first performance...when did she grow up? I won't worry she is only 3, plenty of performances left.
2. Hearing Max tell a knock knock joke to completion at the age of 29 months
3. Making Christmas cookies with my mom and the kids
4. Seeing Max clap in delight that his sister was on the stage Saturday night
5. Seeing the kids delight in Christmas lights as we drove around town

6. I know I said 5, but I am fickle....the most hilarious moment of the weekend was late Saturday night, early Sunday morning. Max had woken up coughing and I had taken him in my room to be with Billy while I got him some water. He was crying pretty loudly and when I returned I cuddled him close. It was too late though, he had woken up his sister. Katie, sleepily, wandered into our room, and not wanting to stir Max I carefully and seamlessly glided her into the middle of our bed. A minute later she spoke to her Daddy and he said "Has she been here all night?" It cracked me up...but definitely one of those you had to be there moments

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Show Us Your Life...Mission Trips

So happy to participate in Kelly's Show us your life series. This week is mission trips. Unfortunately it has been a long time since I have participated in a mission trip, but as they have been some of the most profound experiences of my life, I thought I would elaborate.

I have had the unique experience of working with the Sisters of Charity on the Navajo Indian Reservation, just outside of Gallup New Mexico. These amazing nuns, who are the same order as Mother Theresa, dedicate their life to prayer and to the service of the poorest of the poor. Each day they get up and pray, immediately following they get into vans and an old bus and drive the dirt roads of the reservation. They scoop up any children they may run into, even going so far as to knock on doors and wake families up. The kids get off the bus and are immediately served a wholesome breakfast. All the food on the mission is donated. The rule is you must eat what you take, and there were never any picky eaters in this group. Following breakfast the children play games. It is some sight to see these women on God do double dutch jump roping and see them play kickball! After morning prayer, the children are split into groups by ages and are lead to a class area to do vacation bible school like activities. The children sing songs, do crafts, and play games all with limited supplies and $0 budget. The children are then served lunch. The sisters stuff their pockets with granola bars, fruit, and crackers to take home, and then it is off to closing prayer. The kids are then driven home to some of the most amazing homes in America. I do not mean amazing in an HGTV way, but rather in the way that it amazed me that people in America actually live like that. We then would work to clean the school rooms, the lunch room and kitchen. At this time the nuns would then have private prayer and then at 4, we would share daily mass before heading back 5 miles to a trailer where we would make our own dinner each night, shower and get ready for the day ahead. I had the opportunity to work on the reservation for 2 years in the summer and both experiences were just amazing. Seeing the homes of the children and getting to work with their sweet faces, it was evident you were doing God's work. Seeing the prayerful and quiet manner of the nuns, it was evident I was in the presence of true holiness.

My current vocation of motherhood really prohibits me from giving to people in this particular way, but I am forever changed for my time on the tiny mission in Gallup, NM. I was blessed by my time with the children and the amazing nuns that through their example provided an amazing message to me.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

My babies are growing up!

I cannot believe it is already time to plan birthday parties! It seems like just a few short moments ago Max was born and 2 weeks later, Katie celebrated her 2nd birthday. Now here I am just days from Max's first birthday. Time to plan the party! From the moment we knew we were expecting and due in March, I was immediately excited for the idea of joint birthday parties. Double the fun, double the budget and our friends and family do not have to make time twice in just a few weeks. Seems like a win win. All year long I have been mentally planning an under the sea party. Katie loves mermaids, and the ocean seemed fun and gender neutral. Though I have already even prepared some items for this theme, I recently choose to save it for next year and go with something more in the now: Curious George! This has been Katie's favorite show for months, actually it is one we all enjoy. Even since Max started walking he has been our little monkey. He is a climber, and a mover and a shaker. He is our very own George. I figured that by the time she is 4, Curious George would seem like a "boy" party theme, so the time is clearly now. I am excited with this choice because I know it is something that is relevant for both children. My long time dear friend Lauren made these adorable invitations. She is so talented! Invitations are out, bounce house has been rented. More party details to follow!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Ergo Giveaway from Simple & Posh

So in love with this Ergo Carrier! I have been stalking it for many a month and today I found out there is a giveaway from Simple & Posh. It was one of the first times I have ever visited this particular site, and I will be back. I adore the Organic Twill Cranberry carrier - Nautilus Print Lining as pictured here. I have always enjoyed baby wearing, but have never had the opportunity to own one. I would love this one! Keeping my fingers crossed!

So Sad

I am just so filled with sadness tonight, and it is the loss of someone I never even met. Brophy senior Robby Mayasich died earlier today, from injuries he sustained being hit by a car during an overnight road relay race from Prescott to Mesa. He was running right near a van for the relay when he was hit by another vehicle. Since it happened I have joined his parents, family and friends in praying for his life, despite word from doctors that he would not live. This kid had everything going for him; grades, sports, music, college acceptance etc.. He was clearly a kid whom any parent would be proud. I am so sad for those who knew him. I am so sad for his parents. Tears flood down my cheeks at the loss of this fine young man that I will never meet. I am amazed at the courage and faith that his parents have shown in this time. Tonight I hold my own dear children a little closer, remembering how fragile life really is. I am so blessed as a mother to hold these dear little hands for such a short time. I am honored. I am blessed. I am grateful.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Student of the Month 2

Congratulations Timothy! We were so excited to eat delicious breakfast burritos at your school today and sit with your Math Teacher. I had tears in my eyes as your teacher talked about you because it was so nice to hear another adult speak all of the amazing things that you know about your kid out loud. We are so proud of you. You are always our high school student of the month. We love you!

We hope that as you grow your self doubt will disappear and you will know the amazing person that you are!
Be strong, banish fear and doubt. Remember the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9
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